Why Colonize the Solar System?
Big Picture 1:
Picture of the Blue Marble and Earth Rise
Ever wonder about what the picture (top of this page) taken for NASA by William Anders in 1968 has done for our culture, peace, and humanity?
Did it not tell us that all our futures are linked, that we must take care of the planet, that war is a terrible loss?
This picture changed YOUR world in a positive way more than any other event from the 20th century.
Big Picture 2:
What happens if we do not solve our environmental problems on Earth? Do we want the home of our grandchildren to sink back into another dark age or worse?
We propose a survivable culture in the solar system capable of retaining the WIKI and returning back to earth the cultural knowledge sufficient to restore civilization after a catastrophic collapse.
Big Picture 3:
Purpose with Meaning and Value
If the Universe is as lifeless as our examinations so far indicate, helping Mankind survive, no, flourish, gives meaning to individuals and humanity and gives them the courage to strive against the coming of the night.
Bring Life to the Universe, Bring the Universe to Life!
This goal creates a meaningful purpose for our existence. A genuine purpose minimizes the "Why bother?" distractions and depressions that come with our everyday struggles.
Big Picture 4:
Real Hope
Aligned with a meaningful purpose, these programs give strength to the internal hope we all need. If we work hard together, we have a chance. This is real, not some philosophical mumbo-jumbo, in reality, we really do have a chance. How much of a chance is unknown, but a better chance than if we do not have HOPE and work together. And reason and logic can be applied to this reality. We say it again, A real chance means there is REASON for hope, not just a prayer in a vacuum. Boy, is that ever important.
Big Picture 5:
Net Sum Positive!!! | Our space program has already paid back its cost a thousand times over.
Think about: Public Education, Agriculture, Space Research. Each one returns much more than invested. They are NOT Net-Sum-Zero.
American Space programs have already developed the following:
Transistors (less weight than relays and vacuum tubes on launches) | IC Chips | Processors
The Internet (DARPA developed the initial internet to allow University researchers around the USA to share information about Space Flight)
Cell Phones (remember transistors and IC Chips?) | GPS (Satellites, and IC Chips) | Advanced Medical Tools like CAT scans
All the material sent into space is less than what St. Louis sends to the dump | Less fuel than is used at O'Hare Airport each day